Stuff by Tammy
Making delicious foods and loving life!

Half Square Triangle Quilt

Posted in /Fabric_Projects/Quilts on Sunday, July 09, 2017

I came across this picture and felt inspired to finally make a duvet cover for our bed.

The issue was that I thought it would take me a maximum of 4 days to complete the project, after all it wasn't a full quilt just a duvet cover. Wow was I off base!

The problems began with the fact that this quilt was all triangles, and even though I have a trick to make the triangles easier, it was still double the work of anything with basic squares!

For those of you non quilters out there, the reason quilts like this one and log cabin style have red in the center is because represents the hearth of the home, keeping you warm and happy.

The second thing I realized that this really would need to be quilted for seam other words so there would be no holes in the top layer after a few washes. So I took over the living room floor and broke out an old flat sheet which we had retired from our bed and got to work pinning the layers together. Then to speed the process I merely quilted in the ditch thinking this would be wasn't fast at all!

Third I had to somehow make this in to a duvet cover which seems easy until you get started. I decided to make the cover similar to an overlapping pillow case to hold the duvet in. I must have rearranged the fabric five times before I was happy with it. I know I could have done better on the cover part but for my first time trying this (and not looking up any directions) I am pretty happy with the final product.

The picture doesn't do the quilt justice but we needed to get it on the bed as the temperature at night dips in the the low minus 20's here.

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~ Tammy

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