Posted in /Fabric_Projects/Quilts on Saturday, July 22, 2017
Here are my finished quilts
My first quilt
This picture was taken at Golden Brook Elementary School in Windham, NH. The town has an annual craft show that students could enter their projects to be judged. I believe that is a second place ribbon next to the quilt.I was probably around 8 years old in the picture (estimate is based on the length of my bangs, wow I don't miss those).

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Posted in /Fabric_Projects/Quilts on Saturday, July 22, 2017
My roommate was using an old beat up comforter on his bed. He would never say that he needed a new quilt but I decided that it was a need. He has a sailboat that he loves to take adventures on (here are some pictures of our trip with him) so I used that as inspiration for the fabric.
The right side of the quilt border is larger so that it can be tucked in nicely to prevent it from shifting around at night. It was not a mistake, I promise!

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Posted in /Fabric_Projects/Quilts on Saturday, July 15, 2017
This was the second quilt I made as an adult

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Posted in /Fabric_Projects/Quilts on Saturday, July 15, 2017
This was my first quilt as an adult. Sampler quilts can come in any shape and size. They are great for those just learning how to quilt and those who are more experienced.
I learned a lot from this quilt, especially since my teacher wanted perfection...which means a lot of stitch ripping!
This is the finished quilt but each block felt like a quilt unto itself.

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Posted in /Fabric_Projects/Quilts on Saturday, July 15, 2017
When I found out that I had two nieces due within months of each other my brain went into over drive with quilt ideas. Unfortunately I did not have the time to make two different elaborate quilts as I wanted because of teaching and taking university courses.
I had seen Disappearing 9 patch quilts before but did not know what they were called only that they were very eye catching. While looking for quilt patterns for my two nieces I stumbled upon this YouTube video, which changed the course of my summer!

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